An impaired pathologist has officials scrambling to uncover the extent of his mistakes. At least one person has died because of a misdiagnosis.The physician at the Veterans Health Care System of the Ozarks in Fayetteville, Arkansas, was intoxicated while on duty in...
Month: July 2018
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Court awards damages after finding VA liable in vet’s suicide
Regular readers of our San Antonio legal blog know that we frequently focus on our nation’s veterans and the medical care that they receive. You might have heard of a case in which a federal judge early this year found the Veterans Health Administration liable for the...
Vet fighting VA’s attempt to use medical malpractice loophole
Few celebrations of freedom and the Fourth of July are more enthusiastic than what we have here in San Antonio. Unfortunately, not everyone was able to celebrate Independence Day with family and friends as they would have liked.A Marine Corp veteran is struggling...